Welcome to the Sky Walking Institute of Healing and Meditation

Our website is a gateway to the world of meditation, a place where you can explore the diverse range of spiritual practices that have been developed over centuries to help individuals reach a state of inner peace and transcendence. Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, we are here to provide you with valuable insights into four of the most transformative meditation practices out there: the Taoist Water Method, Circle Walking Meditation (Bagua), Tantric Meditation, and Yoga Nidra.

Taoist Method of Meditation:

The Taoist Method is a transformative meditation practice that aims to cultivate inner peace, harmony, and balance in your life. It harnesses the power of the principles of Yin and Yang to help you develop a deep sense of inner tranquility and harmony.

Circle Walking Meditation (Bagua):

Circle Walking Meditation, also known as Bagua, is a practice that uses movement as a tool for meditation. This practice involves walking in circles, following a set pattern, and focusing on your energy flow. The Bagua helps you work on your physical, mental, and emotional spheres, to cultivate a wholesome sense of being. As you tap into your energy flow, you will discover how to balance your body and mind, harmonize your energies, and cultivate a sense of stillness in the middle of chaos.

Tai Chi:

Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art that has evolved into a popular mind-body practice. It combines slow and graceful movements with focused attention and deep breathing. Through the practice of Tai Chi, you can improve your balance, flexibility, and overall well-being. This meditative martial art helps to calm the mind, center the body, and cultivate a sense of flow and harmony.

Qi Gong:

Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese practice that involves gentle movements, breathwork, and focused intention. It aims to cultivate and balance the body's vital energy, known as Qi. Through the practice of Qi Gong, you can harmonize your mind, body, and spirit, and enhance your overall health and vitality. It offers a wide range of exercises that can be tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Standing Meditation:

Standing Meditation, is a form of meditation that involves standing in a specific posture for an extended period of time. It focuses on grounding, relaxation, and cultivating internal energy. Through this practice, you can improve your posture, strengthen your body, increase your energy levels, and develop a deep sense of presence and inner stillness.

Xing Yi:

Xing Yi is a Chinese martial art that combines focused intention, dynamic movements, and coordinated breathing. This practice aims to cultivate inner strength, promote physical health, and harmonize the mind and body. Xing Yi uses a series of powerful and explosive movements to engage the whole body in a flowing and integrated way, helping to cultivate inner power and awareness.

Advanced Pranayama Breathwork:

Pranayama is a yogic practice that involves conscious control of the breath. It offers a wide range of techniques that can be used to regulate and enhance the flow of vital energy in the body. Advanced Pranayama techniques allow you to go deeper into the exploration of breath, expanding your capacity for energy, concentration, and spiritual growth. These practices can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and inner transformation.

We hope that our website will serve as a valuable resource for you as you explore these additional mind-body practices. Each practice offers its unique benefits, and by incorporating them into your daily routine, you can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, enhance your physical and mental well-being, and experience profound inner transformation.

Feel free to explore these practices in your own time and find what resonates with your journey of self-discovery and inner peace. If you have any further questions or need assistance, we are here to help. Enjoy your exploration and may you find harmony and fulfillment in your practice!

Tantric Meditation:

Tantric Meditation is a practice that explores the spiritual union of the masculine and feminine energies within us. This practice invites you to transcend the duality of your being and experience a sense of transcendence. Tantric meditation involves the use of breathwork, visualization, and physical postures to help you awaken to your divine connection and experience spiritual ecstasy. As you journey on this path, you'll tap into the power of your sensual awareness and cultivate a sense of self-love and connection.

Yoga Nidra:

Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep," is a form of guided meditation that brings you into a state of deep relaxation and conscious awareness. This transformative practice has been studied extensively by scientists in recent years, and research has shown that it has a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

We hope that our website will serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for you as you explore the vast world of meditation. We invite you to try out these four unique and transformative practices, and discover the immense wisdom they hold. With the right tools, you can access your innermost being and unlock the endless potential that resides within you.